Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I don't feel so good

Anon didn't make it in to work on a certain Monday morning. On the Friday before they said this.

Anon: "If I take ecstacy on Saturday, I'm not coming in on Monday."


Anonymous said...

I am not sure why the person involved would choose to share this with the group. I find this wholly inapropriate.

Almost like talking about your wife's sexual habits. Speaking of that, you wouldn't believe what my wife did to me yesterday........

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous poster, I have a friend who also has some dubious pass-times, like trying it on with pregnant women

Anonymous said...

Thats disgusting. I honestly can't believe what some people will do.

Drugs are BAD NEWS....Just say no

Anonymous said...

Remember Leah Betts