Friday, January 20, 2006


Two guys having a chat in the office:

DB: "Stop being so homophobic."

GC: "I'm not homophobic. I like being kissed..."

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Magical wireless networks

Visitor: "I'm having great problems getting onto your wireless network."

GC: "Everything seems to be OK on the network but I've just noticed you don't seem to have a wireless card in your laptop."

Visitor: Getting indignant now "Well I don't need one at home, I just plug in the wire and....oh!"


Browsing a web page on how to make Sushi

GC: "I love Sushi, not sure about boiled octopus though..."
TS: "I can just imagine it being overcooked, it would taste rubbery."


TS: "No, no, I'm not making fun of the Japanese accent."